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Car Diffusers


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Smell the freshness of sweet and nostalgic essence every time you open your car! Get our premium CAR DIFFUSERS and enhance your driving experience as you get to engulf yourself with this exquisite aroma of pure bliss. 

  • LONG LASTING AND SUBTLE SCENT that does not irritate and hurt your senses when you take in the delicate smell of our fragrances.
  • EASY TO USE WITH A BEAUTIFUL RUSTIC LOOK that will definitely add style and accent inside your car space! Hang them on your rear-view mirror and enhance your car space. 

Grab this diffuser now and you can bet you would want to be inside your car all the time!

Scent lasts 4 to 8 weeks on average.  We have had reports from customers that their car diffuser did last 12 weeks.  This depends on the interior conditions of your car


  • stands 5cm to the top of the shoulder, or 6.5cm including the bead and hang loop
  • Diameter is 2.3cm
  • Bottle holds 4ml.

How to use:

  • Hang your car diffuser on your review mirror.  These car diffusers have a cork insert to absorb the fragrance. The holes on the lid allow fragrance to seep our creating a wonderful ambiance
  • Tip bottle upside down.  This allows the fragrance to seep into the corked lid. Allow the product to difffuse for several days at least before considering re-moistening the cork.
  • When the scent fades tilt the bottle upside down again.
  • Make sure you don't spill any diffuser oil on furniture, your clothes or your car interior
  • Make sure the lid is screwed on tight.  You don't want it to leak everywhere. 
  • Car diffusers must be used in accordance to these warnings.  Moolicious accepts no responsibility for damage to your car.

Safety Information:

  • Keep out of reach of children and pets
  • Avoid contact with the skin and eyes.  If you accidentally spill it into your eyes, flush with water for 20 minutes and contact your doctor.  If spilled on your skin wash with soapy water and contact your doctor.
  • Not edible. If ingested contact your doctor and or poison center immediately