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White Sage Smudge Stick


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White Sage Smudge Stick - Small

White Sage is hailed as the cleanser of all negativity. Be it in our homes, our items or even ourselves. Smudging with White Sage will bring to your home a sense of lightness and brightness. Smudging yourself after a stressful situation will bring you peace, calm and clarity and here at Moolicious Soaps & Candles, that’s what we are all about!

Native Americans from long ago used this magical herb in their rituals to rid them of evil, sickness, anger and bad luck. They would dry the White Sage and the burn it to release its enriching smoke onto the member of their tribe that was struck down with these negativity traits.

What you need to use our smudge sticks:

Safety is our greatest concern and when using our Smudge Sticks, there are a few things to be aware of:

  • You must have a fire proof bowl, either a clay or ceramic bowl would suffice, even an abalone shell (which we stock) is a great alternative. 
  • Fill this bowl with some sand, this will be used to put out your smudge stick out after your ritual 
  • A feather or fan of some sort to spread the smoke around your space 
  • A lighter to carry with you. 

How to smudge your home:

  • Before you start, ensure each room you enter has a window that is slightly open 
  • Start at your front door, light your smudge stick. Wait for the flames to distinguish and then gently blow on the stick to encourage embers to smoke. 
  • Smudge yourself starting from the tip of your head and allow the smoke to move around your body as you say to yourself “RELEASE ALL THAT DOES NOT SERVE ME” and hold this in your mind as you move around your home. Where thought goes energy flows, so it’s important to remain positive and focused as you cleanse yourself and then your home of all negative, stale energy. 
  • Holding your fireproof bowl as you walk around your home from your front door clockwise spreading the smoke from the stick to go up into the corners and around your room 
  • Continue until you finish at the front door. 
  • Then extinguish your smudge stick into the sand in your fireproof bowl or let it smoke out. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Size:  approximately 12 cm long


    Smudge Safety

    • Smudging can be a FIRE HAZARD
    • Don't touch the smudge stick on the smoking end while it's smoking. It is hot.  It can cause burns to your hands and skin.
    • Protect your surfaces such as furniture where your smudge bowl is.
    • Never leave a smudge stick unattended.  
    • Never dispose of the hot or warm ashes until completely cool.
    • Keep out of reach of children and pets
    • Ensure curtains will not brush against the smoking smudge if wind if blowing through and your smudge is near a curtain.
    • Pregnant women, Asthmatics and anyone with allergies needs to be careful if they have never used smudges.  Allergies to smudges are not common but smoke sensitivity is common