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Incense Cone Starter Pack with DHOOP Brass Cone Burner


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Incense Cones Starter Pack - Complete with DHOOP Brass Cone Burner

A great starter pack for the Incense lover that includes Dragon's Blood and Butt Naked incense cones and a Brass DHOOP cone burner.

Butt Naked... the bare birthday suit of fragrant experience, a cheeky but gorgeous scent. 

Dragon's Blood is used for protection, purification, to develop a strong ritual energy and for increasing power. 

Made in India

What is included in each pack:  

  • 1 pack of Dragon's Blood Incense cones (10 Cones)
  • 1 pack of Butt Naked Incense cones (10 Cones)
  • 1 brass DHOOP incense cone burner

How to use Incense Cones

  • Light the tip of the incense cone
  • Carefully and blow out the flame by blowing or fanning 
  • Place the cone that should now have formed a red glow, on a cone burner with point facing up or in a bowl burner (bowl burner can have a bed of natural ash or sand)

Incense Safety

  • Incense is a FIRE HAZARD
  • Incense when burning is hot.  It can cause burn to the skin if you brush against it or hold the hot incense with your hands.
  • Place your incense in a safe burner that will collect the ashes as they fall as hot ashes can damage the surface of your furniture and discolour it. 
  • Hot ashes and or a incense stick falling out of the holder is a fire hazard.  Ensure your place your incense and holder on a fire proof surface.
  • Place your burner in a heat-resistant surface.  A metal trivet or a ceramic tile.
  • If you are using a incense holder make sure it is a non flammable, heatproof holder.  
  • Protect your surfaces such as furniture where your incense is to be burner. Incense generates heat and a hot holder could damage your surface or break glass table tope
  • One incense stick is sufficient for more than one room.   
  • Never leave incense unattended.  Never leave incense burning if you are not in the house. Incense is a fire hazard
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets
  • Ensure curtains will not brush against the incense if wind if blowing through and your incense is near a curtain.
  • Pregnant women, Asthmatics and anyone with allergies needs to be careful if they have never used incense.  Allergies to incense are not common but smoke sensitivity is common