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Damar Resin Incense

$3.50 $4.80

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Damar Resin Incense - 30 g

Damar Resin Hem incense is specially processed using the finest quality hard wood tree.  Damar has antiviral properties which fights with harmful viruses and provides fresh air.  It is useful to combat sadness, depression and melancholy.

Resin incense has been used for centuries and by many different cultures.  

Made in India

How to use Resin Incense

  • Choose a location away and ensure that there are no combustible objects nearby
  • Place a charcoal tablet (available in our store) on a heat proof base, on a bed of sand to help disperse the heat in a charcoal incense burner (also available in our store)
  • Light the edge of the charcoal tablet. Slowly blow or fan the tablet.
  • Once the charcoal tablet is aglow and stops crackling add a few pellets of resin incense on the top of the tablet.
  • Use a spoon or tweezers if you don't have a charcoal tongs to place the incense on the charcoal tablet
  • Allow time for yourself to sit, relax and enjoy the ritual of incense burning

Incense Safety

  • Incense is a FIRE HAZARD
  • Do not use water to put out the glowing charcoal tablet as this may damage your incense holder due to the expanding and contracting.  
  • Never handle glowing charchoal tablet with your bare fingers.  Use charcoal tongs or a pair of tweezers.
  • Incense when burning is hot.  It can cause burn to the skin if you brush against it or hold the hot incense with your hands.
  • If you are using a incense holder make sure it is a non flammable, heatproof holder.  
  • Protect your surfaces such as furniture where your incense is to be burner. Incense generates heat and a hot holder could damage your surface or break glass table top
  • Never leave incense unattended.  Never leave incense burning if you are not in the house. Incense is a fire hazard
  • Never dispose of the hot or warm ashes until completely cool.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets
  • Ensure curtains will not brush against the incense if wind if blowing through and your incense is near a curtain.
  • Pregnant women, Asthmatics and anyone with allergies needs to be careful if they have never used incense.  Allergies to incense are not common but smoke sensitivity is common.