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Agna Smudge Stick - Healing, Purifying & Calming - Large
Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree & Cypress
Native Americans from long ago used this magical herb in their rituals to rid them of evil, sickness, anger and bad luck.
Smudging with this combination of Lavender, Eucalytptus, Tea Tree and Cypress this smudge stick purify your space as well as having a calming and healing effect.
Lavender has a calming effect creating a peaceful and relaxed space. The Eucalyptus used in smudging is energizing, boots your health, while the Tea Tree with it's antibacterial, antiviral and antifungus properties will protect your home and promote a space free from infection. Cypress is purifies, heals, comforts protects
Smudging yourself after a stressful situation will bring you peace, calm and clarity and here at Moolicious Soaps & Candles, that’s what we are all about!
What you need to use our smudge sticks:
Safety is our greatest concern and when using our Smudge Sticks, there are a few things to be aware of:
How to smudge your home:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Size: approximately 22cm to 23cm long
Made in Australia
Smudge Safety